


Labour and Delivery Massage

Massage therapy support is provided throughout any stage to help to ease the discomforts and muscle tension caused by the progressing labour. Available as an at home service, I will pack up and come to you. 

Post Cesarean Section Massage

Massage for post c section women can begin as early as immediately after birth and as late as years post partum. Massage can help surrounding tissue mobility and function,  helping to release adhesions and ease discomfort and restrictions.

Pre Natal Massage
The childbearing year of a Woman's life is one filled with emotion and changes in the body. Massage therapy during this time is great to help with the any aches and pains felt, it is also a great way to take some time to relax and let someone else take care of you!
Some common complaints I
 treat are; Hip and low back pain, carpal tunnel, calf cramps, mid back pain and headaches.

Infant Massage Class

I provide a one on one environment for babies and their families that are interested in learning infant massage. Infant massage has numerous health benefits, including weight gain, sleep improvement and relaxation. The class shows different techniques of baby massage, teaching all those involved in baby's life some great ways to bond with baby. I also provide a take home oil bottle and instructional papers.